New Patients

Cator Medical Centre welcomes new patients.

Registering with Us

If you need to register with a doctor and are living in the surgery catchment area, you can fill out the appropriate registration form and health questionnaire below:

A relative or friend can fill in the form with your consent.

Once you have completed all the necessary documentation, your registration will be processed by our administrative team. Your medical records will be transferred to us from your previous doctor.

If you have not had a doctor in the UK before, a new medical card will be made for you with a unique National Health Service (NHS) Number.

Practice Boundary Area

We are happy to register new NHS patients within our practice boundary area.

Catchment Area

Out of Area Patients

Where it is clinically appropriate and practical to register, we now accept new registration from patients who work in the local area but reside outside of our registration area. Patients registered this way would not be entitled to home visit from the practice, however they will be able to contact NHS 111 in order to be seen by a practice closer to where they live.

For further information about this type of registration, please contact us on 020 8915 3100 or feel free to come into the practice.

Temporary Residents

If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment from a surgery for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary patient or permanent patient.

You can request a Temporary Resident Form from your surgery. You can register as a temporary patient if you are in the area for longer than 24 hours but less than three months.

For more information please see here.